The next monthly instalment of Derby Property Meet takes place on Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7pm (networking from 6:30pm), held at the amazing premises of our partners Nelsons Solicitors in Derby.
Nelson Solicitors, Stern House, Lodge Lane, Derby. DE1 3WD.
Click the link below to book now to secure your place at this exciting event.
Derby’s only independent property networking event held in the city returns to some more awesome property investment content and a chance to meet fellow property professionals. We have more excellent guest speakers this month to share their expertise, knowledge and experience and will be there to answer your questions. Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities throughout the evening to network with fellow property professionals in the room.
Book your ticket now!!
Speakers in April
Andy Miller
Unleashing the Power of Your Pension
Would you like to learn how you can use your pension to make money for today and a lasting legacy for your family?
Andy and his partner Julie started their property business, Enable Property Solutions in 2018. The plan was to supplement pension income with a small amount of rental income in retirement but it was soon clear that an opportunity existed to create something far more substantial.
Five years on they have created a portfolio of 67 HMO rooms, opened their own lettings business (VaVaRoom) and are in the process of acquiring properties for supported living and commercial tenants.
They have used their SSAS Pension in creative ways to help them build their businesses. Plans are in place to hold property for rental income inside the SSAS itself.
Andy will explain what a SSAS Pension is and the amazing things you can do with it to create income for today (outside of your pension) and wealth for tomorrow. This is not one to be missed!
Oliver Ibbotson from House Share Heroes
We have been investing and refurbishing properties for over 15 years, so we understand the roller coaster ride it can be!
We are here to make your HMO journey as pain free as possible by taking away the headache of sourcing reliable tradesmen, sourcing furniture, finding genuinely good investment deals and then making sure your investment is in safe hands after it is up and running to make the maximum return on your hard earned investment.
Personally I started out investing in property in 2007, not having a clue what I was doing. Fast forward 15 years, we’ve engaged in JVs with local agents, helping them scale from 0 to over 400+ HMO rooms, rented over 2600 rooms and houses combined, bought, sold and sourced HMO’s for other landlords and most recently moved into developments.