Derby Property Meet – 13th September 2023

The next monthly instalment of Derby Property Meet takes place on Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 7pm (networking from 6:30pm), held at the amazing premises of our partners Nelsons Solicitors in Derby.

Nelson Solicitors, Stern House, Lodge Lane, Derby. DE1 3WD.

Click the link below to book now to secure your place at this exciting event.

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Derby’s only independent property networking event held in the city returns to some more awesome property investment content and a chance to meet fellow property professionals. We have more excellent guest speakers this month to share their expertise, knowledge and experience and will be there to answer your questions. Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities throughout the evening to network with fellow property professionals in the room.

Book your ticket now!!

Speakers in September

Dawn Deakin 

Dawn Deakin is the Service Manager for the Housing Standards Team at Derby City Council (DCC).
She started her career as a nurse working for the NHS and sidestepped into working for DCC in Environmental Health (EH) in 1993. She worked as the Communicable Disease Control Nurse, then DCC sponsored her through a MSc in EH to become a qualified Environmental Health Officer.

Dawn also worked in Health Promotion, followed by 11 years in Occupational Health and Safety and has now worked in the Housing field for 12 years.
She has seen many changes and challenges along the way, and as now as austerity measures and the cost of living crisis bites hard, budgets are being cut and recruitment is very challenging.

Dawn leads a team of 14 and is passionate about good landlords being recognised for their hard work and non-compliant landlords being brought to task by robust enforcement actions.

Claire Saunders

Claire has been trained in many aspects of property and what with her background in lease finance, this enabled her to start her Asset Leasing Business “CashFlow Leasing” in June 2019.

CashFlow Leasing helps Limited Company property investors to grow their businesses quicker, by furnishing their rental properties, such as HMO’s, SA’s, Care homes, Social housing properties and hotels, by leveraging lease finance.

Leasing is tax efficient, and has minimal upfront costs, meaning she has helped 1000’s of investors to keep their cash in their business with her forward, out the box thinking. 

Posted in Meeting Notification.