We are excited to announce the next monthly instalment of the Derby Property Meet which takes place on 10th August 2022 at 7pm (networking from 6:30pm), to be held, at the amazing premises of our partners Nelsons Solicitors in Derby.
Nelson Solicitors, Stern House, Lodge Lane, Derby. DE1 3WD.
Click the link below to book now to secure your place at this exciting event.
Speakers in August
Phil Rowland
Phil is the Assistant Director for Housing Operations at Derventio Housing Trust with 20 years’ experience in Social Housing with the company. Prior to this he has also been employed in the NHS, Local Government, and the Hospitality Industry.
Whilst at Derventio; Phil has for many years been the Procurement Lead for the company and worked successfully with many property owners and investors and has been instrumental in procuring good quality properties for their various supported housing projects. He has also worked with Crisis the national homelessness charity and delivered a project on raising the standard of properties within the HMO sector.
He was the project lead in another crisis funded project called Rooms4Two and both of these projects received national awards from Crisis and for a number of years was a Crisis Champion and the go to person for advice and assistance in relation to Housing Standards within the sector.
Phil is now responsible for a team of Housing & Support workers who deliver a supported housing service as well as a number of projects to our residents throughout the Midlands. He is still actively involved with the Procurement of properties alongside our Procurement Manager Annabel Flint.
Derventio Housing Trust is an award-winning registered social landlord with many years’ experience of providing supportive, safe and secure accommodation for people who are struggling with their housing situation. Residents are supported to develop independent living skills and build their confidence and self-esteem and at the right time for them, they are supported to move on to more permanent accommodation. Derventio works with local landlords and property owners leasing good quality properties from them to ensure they can continue to provide this valuable service to the public sector.
Bryn Walker
Bryn is an experienced trustee with a 30 year history of working in the financial services industry.
Bryn’s background is as follows:
- Volunteer on the Transparency Task Force justice for victims of Pension Scams group.
- Serve on the Secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Pension Scams.
- Advocate of ‘member directed pensions’ as it’s YOUR pension so YOU decide what to do with it.
- Skilled in Company Pension products, SSAS, DB/DC, AE and ancillary services (Investment, Actuarial, Trusteeship).
- Working with Consultancy firms, Accountancy Practices and Property Investors/Developers my role is understanding your precise requirements and then use my experience to help you achieve your desired outcome